Dinosaur Point Mudmen
The Mudmen were in the last phase of the Western sprawl of the Prigus migration. Along with their inception came The Goleta Riggers, the Virginia Outlaws, and the Eugene Bigfeet in 1936. The Mudmen are based in Los Banos, California off the 152 highway also known as Pacheco Pass. The 152 famously is the bridge between the 5 and 101 highways. Dinosaur Point is a national park, which oddly enough, never was the home to any dinosaur fossils. The name was a complete mystery until someone flying over the area one day noticed that the point of land resembled a dinosaur's head. The legend of dinosaurs and mud and tar pits held up and a team was created. It was a small town until the San Luis Reservoir was built in the late 60's and it became more that just a pass-through town. The Mudmen play in the designated area built out for the team. The Mudmen are the only team that is on national park government-owned land. They play at the highest point of Pacheco pass in the Dinosaur Point of California State Park Arena.